CyVis Ant Task
After downloading the file, extract it to a desired location (it would be better to extract it into your lib directory).
The steps involved to integrate CyVis into your build script are as follows:
Step 1: Create a property to the extracted directory
<property name="cyvis-home" value="${basedir}/lib/cyvis-0.8"/> |
Note: Change the value field according to your directory structure, and the version of cyvis.
Step 2: Create a path to hold the jar files required to run CyVis.
<path id="cyvis.path">
<fileset dir="${cyvis-home}">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
Step 3: Define the CyVis task.
<taskdef name="cyvis" classname="cyvis.ant.CyvisTask"
classpathref="cyvis.path"/> |
Step 4: Write the CyVis task
Now you are ready to use the CyVis task in Ant. The table below shows all the parameters & nested elements for CyVis Task.
Parameters for <cyvis>:
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
Verbose |
CyVis prints all its operations, if set to true |
No, Default is false |
home |
Represents CyVis’s Home Directory (i.e. the directory that was created when it was extracted) |
Yes |
Nested elements for <cyvis>:
Element |
Description |
Required |
Denotes the set of files for which you want to generate reports. Multiple file sets may also be given. It supports all the attributes of <fileset> as in Ant. |
Yes |
<report> |
Helps specify the report details. Multiple <report> could be used to generate as many reports. |
Yes |
Parameters of <report> :
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
Specifies the type of the report to be generated. It can either be ‘text’ or ‘html’. |
Yes |
outFile |
This specifies the name of the report file. |
Yes |
Example: A Target with CyVis Task:
<target name="cyvis">
<cyvis verbose="false" home="${cyvis-home}">
<fileset dir="${bin}">
<exclude name="*.class"/>
<report type="html" outFile="${docs}/test.html"/>
<report type="text" outFile="${docs}/test.txt"/>