CyVis Software Metrics Collection, Analysis and Visualisation Tool Logo

Running CyVis in Command Interface

  1. Extract the zip file to the desired location.
  2. Launch the command window and change to that directory\cyvis\
  3. Run the jar file with the usage given below.

Command Line Syntax

Note: If no options are provided then the Graphical Interface opens up and also supply the correct minor and major version numbers accordingly.

   Usage: java –jar cyvis-major.minor.jar [-options]
   -?,--help              print this message
   -V,--version           print the version information and exit
   -h,--html <file>       use given file for html report
   -p,--project <file>    use given file as the input
   -t,--text <file>       use given file for txt report
   -v,--verbose           shows all process information
   -x,--xml <file>        use given file for xml dump

Examples for creating reports

Example: Jar file as input and creating HTML report

    [CYVIS-HOME]\ java –jar cyvis-0.8.jar -p a.jar -h aReport.html

Example: Class file as input and creating HTML report

    [CYVIS-HOME]\ java –jar cyvis-0.8.jar -p a.class -h aReport.html

Example: Jar file as input and creating TXT report

    [CYVIS-HOME]\ java –jar cyvis-0.8.jar -p a.jar -t aReport.txt

Example: Class file as input and creating TXT report

    [CYVIS-HOME]\ java –jar cyvis-0.8.jar -p a.class -t aReport.txt

Example: Jar file as input and creating XML Dump

    [CYVIS-HOME]\ java –jar cyvis-0.8.jar -p a.jar -x aReport.xml

Example: Class file as input and creating XML Dump

    [CYVIS-HOME]\ java –jar cyvis-0.8.jar -p a.class -x aReport.xml

Batch Processing using a text file

In case you want to batch processing where you want to give multiple jars or classes or a combination of both, you can do it as follows, Create a txt file that contains the absolute paths of your files (jars and classes) in separate lines.

Example a.txt contains


You may have any number of files (*.class and *.jar) included in the txt file. After text file is created you can create the report as shown below

Example: Text file as input and creating HTML report [Batch Proessing]

    [CYVIS-HOME]\ java –jar cyvis-0.8.jar -p a.txt -h aReport.html

You can use this text file to generate text reports and XML dump.